Training Online - Small Air Filled Balloon Character
small air-filled balloon character is the 2nd display that we teach
on our balloon training course. It looks a lot more complicated
than it actually is and we find it's a fantastic confidence booster
which only takes a few minutes to complete.
Our Small Balloon Character
The feet are simply a quad (4 balloons) inflated with air to 9 inches (we use
11 inch balloons and find that by under-inflating them they are unlikely to
burst if they catch anything on the floor or table). The pink body is a link-balloon
with an 11 inch 'smiley face' balloon tied to the top. Finally, a small quad
(5 inch balloons inflated to 4 inches) is used as the neck. We
usually use a single 260Q modelling balloon to make the 2 arms and there is
a pull-bow tied into the neck for decoration.
There are 2 things I really love about this display: Firstly, it is very cheap
to make at less than a pound and secondly can be used for several occasions.
If you look below we made a Christmas display by simply changing the colours
and the head. We make little Dracula characters for Halloween etc. They are
actually quite big for a 'small' display and completely air filled and therefore,
the customer gets a lot of value for their money.
Help and Advice:
We help hundreds of people every month with our free help and support. This
service is available to anyone in the balloon industry or to anyone thinking
about setting up a balloon business. You do not need to do either of our training
courses as this service is available to anyone.
Also, we are not associated with any supplier or manufacturer which means our
advice is completely impartial and we will never try to sell you anything or
pass on your details to another company.